Bullseye. I guess it might be possible for us to maintain our civilisation if we accepted a lifestyle somewhat similar to that of the 1920s. No flying. Very limited travel, mostly by public transport. A massive winding back of toxic consumerism.
It might be possible - if we choose to cooperate. That's a very big IF. (The alternative, clearly, is to let nature do the downsizing; that won't be pleasant at all.)
Such a transformation would also require a change in societal values, such that the richest 5% are seen for what they are: essentially parasitic. There's currently a social media meme going round that runs something like this: "If a chimpanzee grabbed 50 times more bananas than it could possibly eat, primatologists would study it as an example of serious pathology.
If a human does that, we put them on the cover of Forbes magazine."