Excellent, thank you. Having been increasingly involved as a climate activist for the last 10 years, I have been turning these questions over and over in my mind, and discussing them with friends. It does indeed seem that there is no easy answer.
The core issue is that we are locked into a vicious circle of public apathy and political cowardice, each fueling the other. Corporate disinformation and media bias/apathy turbocharge this toxic process.
I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that we are simply not going to win this battle; that we are more than likely to see a global mean temperature rise at least of +2.5C above pre-industrial (that's about 4.5F in old money), possibly more. This will precipitate some measure of economic breakdown, mass migration and regional conflict.
Does that mean I've given up? Hell no. I support all forms of activism, even those that I have chosen not to engage in myself. Our local 350 team writes letters to the local papers, makes submissions to local and central government, lobbies, protests, supports legal action, and much more.
Why bother, if we're doomed? Two reasons: firstly, we will get some wins; policies are changing,more people are aware - even if only marginally. Every 0.1C we can shave off the final temperature rise means the final disaster is a bit less catastrophic.
Secondly, to give up seems morally bankrupt - too much like being an accessory before the fact.