Few people are willing to own the problem or offer solutions. Finger pointing is so tempting:
It's all China's fault ("Why don't you go there and protest?"), it's the fault of the military; it's the fault of white colonialists; it's the fault of greedy corporations; it's the fault of industrial agriculture; it's the fault of governments; nothing I can do as an individual..... ; action will wreck the economy (reality: INaction will wreck the economy.....
Yes, I think I've heard it all.
Most of my acquaintances are reasonably science-literate but hardly any of them are willing to make the slightest change to their own lifestyle to give their kids more of a fighting chance of a liveable future.
I'm tempted to ask why people hate their kids so much.
We're in this together - all of us. Few of us are perfect, we could all do better. When people criticise, my response is to ask them what they themselves are doing to help.