Global heating is perhaps the most urgent (but by no means the only one) of the planetary boundaries the species that calls itself H. sapiens is exceeding. Let me stick with climate for now:
Recent research by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), assesses that a viable future will require an average annual GHG footprint of no more than 2.5 tonnes per human.
Most people in developed nations probably exceed that several times over.
(A return flight from my country (New Zealand) to London emits around 7 tonnes of CO2 per economy passenger. Food for thought when planning a flying holiday.)
One estimate puts the current excess deaths due to climate disruption at five million annually. Expect that to climb.
Our economies rely on cheap energy. That is increasingly becoming self-defeating.
A modest downsizing of our consumption is nowhere near enough. We will crash through the +1.5C threshold within the next decade or two, and very likely +2C by 2060 or so. To that extent, we've lost this battle. But we can still stop a catastrophic rise to +3C or more.
I conclude, sadly, that those of us in developing nations are just not getting the message that our entire lifestyle is genocidal.
If we don't get the message, nature will deliver a solution and it won't be pretty.