It's always been a founding assumption of capitalism that the wealthy are role models, heroes, captains of industry, and wealth creators. The assumption is that their wealth 'creation' trickles down to the rest of us.
Up till now, that claim might have been defensible. But it's now toxic and downright genocidal. Why? because like any species, the naked ape has exceeded its viable ecological niche - not just with regard to climate, but in multiple other ways too.
Nothing of any value can be created without energy and the physical resources it unlocks. Money is merely a proxy for 'access to energy'. It follows that nobody 'creates' wealth - we merely sequester, temporarily, some of Earth's limited resources. Therefore anyone who sequesters more than they need is a parasite. When I see Musk, Gates and co. living a modest lifestyle and devoting 99% of their sequestered 'wealth' towards effective political action on climate, biodiversity and social justice, then I'll be impressed.
Right now, I lump them together with tapeworms and and similar parasites.