Most people I know appear to be desperate NOT to know about the climate crisis - especially if it might affect their lifestyle or ability to travel.
We're dealing with a genuine addiction here, and we know how addicts will lie, deny, deflect blame, plead, get angry, even violent - do anything but face reality.... until they hit rock bottom and total despair. Except that this time it's the whole of society that is addicted to the point of insanity.
Yes, I suspect we're going to lose this battle. But we can't give up.
My own feeling - totally unsupported by any research - is that all modes of activism work best when they work together. e.g. when NVDA leads to publicity and/or arrest, we should all bombard the media and our congressmen/MPs with letters and submissions in support, and point out who the real criminals are.
There might, even now, be a turning point in public opinion, if people understand what our kids are going to face.
“The target of keeping long-term global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) is moving out of reach, climate experts say, with nations failing to set more ambitious goals despite months of record-breaking heat on land and sea.”
+2.7C is a disaster; +4C is of course would end civilisation as we know it. Let's NOT give up.