Thanks for your opinion. Yes, the most extreme heating scenarios seem very unlikely, and talk of human extinction is indeed alarmist. But you totally exclude a number of factors. Most notably you seem to treat the global economy as a rational system - which it clearly is not.
“The greatest single error made by conventional economics is the assumption that, if we understand money, we also understand the economy. This fallacy has driven an ever-widening gap between a financial system that has been growing exponentially, and an economy that has ceased expanding, and has started to contract.” ...depletion – the practice of using highest-value energy resources first, and leaving costlier alternatives for a ‘later’ which has now arrived – is eliminating the ability of fossil fuels, not just to drive further growth, but even to maintain the economy at its current scale and complexity.”
“Ultimately, the economy is an energy system, not a financial one, because literally nothing that has any economic value whatsoever can be supplied without the use of energy.”
Furthermore, you appear to have little genuine regard for the human impact of global heating, given that a fairly large swathe of the tropics is very likely to become unlivable owing to heat/humidity.
We are already seeing a stream of migrants heading north from central America to the USA and from Africa across the Mediterranean. That is currently driven by corruption, inefficiency and insecurity in their own countries, but climate-driven crop failure and job losses will convert the stream to a flood in coming decades. That in turn will fuel regional conflict.
Best to face reality; that way, maybe we can mitigate the worst. Delusion optimism hints at a conflict of interests and could be seen as a willingness to collude in slow-motion genocide.