This is a vital topic and one about which I have seen dozens of conflicting opinions. Repeat polling across multiple nations seems to show that a majority of citizens are aware of the climate crisis and concerned for their kids' future. But this concern is not translating into meaningful action. People are willing to pick up litter or swap their plastic bags for paper ones, but that's trivial stuff. Are they willing to ditch holiday flying or cruise ships? Are they cutting down on fossil-fuelled car trips? Are they actively lobbying politicians, making submissions, protesting, writing to their local paper? Take a lifestyle hit to give their kids a chance? Mostly the answer is no.
I call this 'functional denial'. It's always someone else that needs to act. Some authors suggest that emphasising the positive is the best way to get action. Really? ln the lifetime of today's kids we could easily see up to a billion deaths from climate change. We’re in uncharted territory.
When I see any genuinely significant positive news, I'll emphasise it - but not before. In the meantime, I'm angry. Bloody angry.