This, overall, looks like a fair analysis. A standard of living similar to that of my grandparents is probably sustainable - they had no car, used the bus or train, grew a fair bit of their own food, and of course took no overseas holidays.
As we westerners see our living standards drop, people will be lashing out, looking for someone to blame, and hence will be deeply susceptible to autocrats offering simplistic "solutions". Those autocrats include Putin, Xi, Bolsonaro, Duterte, Erdogan, Orban, Al Sisi and a few others. I guess we could add Assad, Kim Jong Hairbrush, The Saudi leadership and the Iranian ayahtollery - except that they were never elected so didn't need to lie.
(Oh, and of course Trump will be on the list - were he ever to get back in.)
It's SO reminiscent of the Weimar republic 100 years back - the collapse of the German economy and Hitler's promises to restore prosperity and pride. We have lost sight of the 1000 year struggle for democracy that our ancestors fought.